class Documentable::DocPage::SubIndex::Type

Renders the index associated to Kind::Type and a category

Defined as

class Documentable::DocPage::SubIndex::Type is Documentable::DocPage

As you may know, each and every value of Kind has an associated index. You can generate more specific indexes using categories (see configuration file).

This class is responsible of generating those subindexes.

Type Graph

Type relations for Documentable::DocPage::SubIndex::Type
perl6-type-graph Documentable::DocPage::SubIndex::Type Documentable::DocPage::SubIndex::Type Documentable::DocPage Documentable::DocPage Documentable::DocPage::SubIndex::Type->Documentable::DocPage

Expand above chart

Routines supplied by class Documentable::DocPage

Documentable::DocPage::SubIndex::Type inherits from class Documentable::DocPage, which provides the following routines:

(Documentable::DocPage) method render

Defined as

method render(| --> Hash{ ... }

It's an abstract method. It needs to return a Hash object following this format:

    document => pod to be rendered as HTML,
    url      => URL assigned to this document

Returning the pod is necessary because we need to wrap it in a common HTML template (see Documentable::To::HTML::Wrapper).