Raku html-generation Types

role Documentable::DocPage Pod to be rendered and its url
class Documentable::DocPage::Factory Generator of HTML pages
class Documentable::DocPage::Index::Language Renders the index associated to Kind::Language
class Documentable::DocPage::Index::Programs Renders the index associated to Kind::Programs
class Documentable::DocPage::Index::Routine Renders the index associated to Kind::Routine
class Documentable::DocPage::Index::Type Renders the index associated to Kind::Type
class Documentable::DocPage::Primary::Language Renders a Documentable::Primary object
class Documentable::DocPage::Primary::Programs Renders a Documentable::Primary object
class Documentable::DocPage::Primary::Type Renders a Documentable::Primary object
class Documentable::DocPage::Secondary Renders a bunch of Documentable::Secondary objects
class Documentable::DocPage::SubIndex::Routine Renders the index associated to Kind::Routine and a category
class Documentable::DocPage::SubIndex::Type Renders the index associated to Kind::Type and a category
class Documentable::Search Search entries generator.
class Documentable::To::HTML::Wrapper HTML wrapper common to all pages