class Documentable::Search

Search entries generator.

class Documentable::Search {}

Takes a Documentable::Registry and generate all the necessary entries to enable search capabilities.

What is an entry? Is a JSON object with three different attributes:

    "category": "text displayed at the beginning",
    "value": "text displayed just under category",
    "url": "url to the document pointed by the entry"

method new

Defined as

method new(:$registry)

Creates a new instance of the class.

method registry

Defined as

method registry(--> Documentable::Registry)

Documentable::Registry object used to generate the entries.

method generate-entries

Defined as

method generate-entries(--> Array[Str])

Generates all search entries and store them in an Array. It generates three kind of entries:

Type Graph

Type relations for Documentable::Search
perl6-type-graph Documentable::Search Documentable::Search Any Any Documentable::Search->Any

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